Tips & Tricks

6 Solutions to Spring Clean Your Small Business

Spring is officially here, and it brings with it budding flowers, singing birds and, of course, the annual spring cleaning. It’s the time of year for us to shake off the dust of winter and embrace the upcoming warmth of summer.

But spring cleaning doesn’t just apply to your house—it can also apply to companies. Just like our homes, businesses need a little freshening up every now and then. Today, we’re going to talk about six solutions to spring clean your small business.


1. Update online presence.

Spring is a great time to either start or refurbish your online presence, both via your website and social media. Go through your website to make sure everything is up-to-date, and all information is correct. When it comes to social media, change up your profile picture a bit, make sure your “About” section is current and interesting and be sure your posts are on track. With today’s technology, an online presence is the face of business, and you can make sure yours is fresh.


2. Go paperless.

With technology comes the newer, faster, more business-adept way of paperless. See where your company can cut costs and increase efficiency by finding areas where it’s possible to go paperless. Clean out your emails, check out new online tools or even cut back on the paper receipts. Not only will going paperless help save a company money, it’s also better for the environment and will put a fresh new feel to the business.


3. Assess inventory.

Spring is a great season for businesses to take the time and assess all products and services they have in stock. See what’s on hand, what you need more of and maybe what you should get rid of. With all the running about during the year, products can be damaged, aged or even expire without you knowing it, so take this opportunity to dig through and clean out the company junk. When you get rid of some old, unusable inventory you may be surprised at what you can expand and bring in as new.


4. Reevaluate goals.

Now is also a great time to go through your business plan step-by-step, see what needs to be readjusted, added or entirely deleted. Consider and reevaluate the long-term goals of your company and those involved. Perhaps your expectations and ambitions have changed since you last created the plan. Determine the steps to achieve your goals, where you’re at and where you want to be. Working seriously now will prepare you for even better sales over the summer.


5. Clean, literally.

If all else fails, you may find satisfaction in just literally cleaning the office. A clean workspace supports a focused mindset, so break out the vacuum and dusting supplies. You can hire out a service for this or have some fun and make it a challenge for employees.  


6. Consider employees.

Finally, consider the employees themselves. Take some time to do employee evaluations, meet with staff and hear their feedback. What is the business doing well, what could it improve on? Consider the roles each employee has, and whether there are any that could be adjusted, reallocated or added on. Employees keep an organization running, and making sure yours are fresh and ready for the coming months is vital to business success.

This spring, get into the season by cleaning out your business. Whether it’s updating technology, cleaning behind the printer or reevaluating your plan, embrace the upcoming summer by getting a fresh start to growing your business today.