Tips & Tricks

Evaluating Your Marketing Plan for 2022

It’s beginning to look a lot like 2023! While we aren’t quite ready to ring in the new year, January is coming quickly. That means as we finish out 2022, it’s time to reflect on what marketing efforts have been working in the past year and what we hope to achieve in 2023. Then, it’s time to come up with a plan! Check out these ways you can get a head start on succeeding with your marketing efforts in the new year.


Start with analytics

When analytics and tracking are available, use it! Numbers are a great way to build your case for more marketing dollars or to back up the marketing tactics you’re using. Analytics you should be tracking throughout the year include:

  • Social media conversions
  • Website conversions
  • Click-through rates
  • Email opens and click throughs
  • Direct sales from marketing campaigns (QR codes driving to a specific landing page, etc.)

Consider the types of marketing avenues your company uses and what analytics may be available. 


Ask for feedback

While analytics provide a solid story for what performed well and what drove the most business, it’s also important to hear first-hand from your audience. You’ll never know unless you ask! Consider sending a short survey to get a pulse on what your audience would like to see in 2023. More mobile marketing? Less emails and more direct mail? Make sure to thank your audience for doing business with you in 2022, and let them know that this survey is to give them what they value most in the new year.


Cut what’s not working

Sometimes marketers can get attached to campaigns when they’ve poured their hearts, souls and budgets into the final product. However, this is the time to truly look at the numbers and feedback and eliminate any promotional tactics that haven’t provided a return on investment. At the very least, it’s important to focus your marketing budget on tactics that are working best. 


Consider new tactics

Consider this your sign to try something new in 2023. The world of social media is evolving and marketing plans do, too. Consider your audience and what mediums they use to consume marketing materials. The survey you send them is a great opportunity to gauge if there are missed marketing opportunities. Test the new marketing measures using a smaller percentage of your budget to start and then reevaluate if you experience success. 


Now is the time to get your 2023 marketing plan into shape by evaluating how you did in 2022. Don’t be afraid to cut where necessary and add in new tactics. When in doubt, use the data to support your marketing decisions for the year to come. We’re wishing you a happy 2023 with your best marketing success yet!